All posts by Kent Del Castillo

About Kent Del Castillo

I have been a web developer since 1993. I started with simple HTML pages and progressed into more complex tools and languages as the web evolved. Besides the web, I play drums, enjoy movies, and golf when I can.

SharePoint 2013 Installation

This is guide for installing SharePoint 2013 Enterprise using a compilation of various posts with the plan built off of Todd Klindt’s basic installation guide.

  1. Confirm Service Accounts. Here’s another suggestion that has more detail
    • Make sp_install a local administrator on all SharePoint servers
  2. Install SQL 2012 SP1
  3. Run Prereq installer to Install Prereqs
  4. Install forgotten prereqs
  5. Install SharePoint 2013
  6. Run “Start-Transcript” in SharePoint 2013 Management Shell so you can track all the commands you are executing
  7. Create Farm
  8. Install any CUs
  9.  Create managed accounts
  10. Create content web app
  11. Create mysite web app. Here’s another resource. And finally TechNet
    • How to get those user photos in there from AD. Make sure to read the comments as well
    • If you set up the User Profile Service now, profile data will have temporary issues until you setup other services.
  12. Create App Management Service. Here’s the TechNet info on Apps. Here’s some important info regarding allowing anonymous access to Apps.
  13. Add SharePoint web apps to Hosts file
  14. Create State Service
  15. Create Usage Service app (see previous link)
  16. Create Managed Metadata Service
  17. Create Search Service
  18. Run a full crawl to verify everything works
  19. Create User Profile Service app if you haven’t already
  20. Create other service applications as needed
  21. Gpupdate /force & reboot
  22. Run all Health Analyzer rules
  23. Don’t forget the Workflow Manager and this for non-SSL:
    • register-SPWorkFlowService -spsite “http://yourSite” -WorkflowHostUri “http://workflowHost:12291” -AllowOAuthHttp
    • And don’t forget to run Workflow Manager on every server in your farm.
  24. Create the Business Data Connectivity Service Application. Make sure you’re running the “Business Data Connectivity Service” in Services on Server before you create the Service Application.
  25. Install PerformancePoint 
  26. Report Server. No content-types?

Update Web Part on a Page Using Powershell in SharePoint 2010

I recently had to update a web part’s zone id that existed on most pages throughout the SharePoint 2010 site. I wrote up this powershell script to address this. DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk!

  $site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite(“http://your_site”)
  foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)
    #Make sure you specify which page needs changes
    $page = $web.GetFile(“default.aspx”)
    $wpm = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($page.Url, [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
  #$wpm.WebParts | ft
  $wp = $wpm.WebParts | Where-Object { $_.Title -eq “Page Tabs” }
  #$wp.ZoneID | ft
  $wp.ZoneID = “Header”
  $page.CheckIn(“Update via PowerShell”,[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPCheckinType]::MajorCheckIn)
  $wp.ZoneID | ft

I left the commented lines in since they can be helpful as well.

Query Tool for Raw Web Service Search Results for SharePoint 2007 & 2010 (FAST and Enterprise)

CodePlex has two great tools to query your SharePoint 2007 or 2010 search which return raw XML so you can see exactly what is going on in your results.

Fast Search For SharePoint MOSS 2010 Query Tool – Ok, they need to work on the title a bit and the background is just a terrible idea but the thing works for both FAST and Enterprise Search on 2010. It allows you to choose Scope, edit the Default Columns, and a lot more. It’s mostly intuitive to use. Just make sure to change your “Results Provider” to “SharePoint” if you’re using Enterprise instead of FAST.

SharePoint Search Service Tool – This is for SharePoint 2007 and works just as well as the previous one. It has less options but gets you your XML results quickly and edit the query as needed. Plus, a nice background!

SharePoint 2007 Search Service Tool