SharePoint 2.0 Features Project

Print List

New in this release

1.      Support for printing any view


This Feature adds a "Print List" menu item to the "Actions" menu for every list in the site collection. When selected, it opens a printer-friendly view of the list for printing. This feature is based on the sample found here and is used with the permission of the author. This version makes some key changes to the original: a printing master page was added, a content page with placeholders was added, the code was moved into an assembly, and an icon was added.

Theme Changer and ThemeChangerStaple

New in this release

1.      A stapling Feature has been created to staple the ThemeChange Feature to the Team Site and Blank Site definition


This feature changes the site theme and alternate style sheet to those specified in the FEATURE.XML file. This feature is ideal for changing the site theme and Alternate CSS when a new site is created. In order to use it, you must install and activate the ThemeChangerStaple Feature at the Farm level. Then edit the ThemeChanger FEATURE.XML file to reference the theme you want to use. The following is an example that creates all new Team Sites and Blank Sites with the Citrus theme and an alternate style sheet.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Feature Title="Theme Changer"

    Description="Changes the site them when a new site is created."






    ReceiverAssembly="ThemeChanger, Version=,





        <Property Key="Theme" Value="Citrus"/>

        <Property Key="AlternateCss"

        Value="/Style Library/myalternate.css"/>



Simply take this feature and "staple" it to the site definition where you want to make the changes. Alternately, you can reference it directly in a custom site definition. Then when a new site of the target type is created, it will have the designated theme and style sheet.

Placeholder Master

This feature works only with the MOSS publishing features.

This Feature adds a new master page to the gallery named "Placeholder.master". When this Feature is activated, it changes the site master page to PlaceHolder.master. This master page shows all of the placeholders and their content in a table structure so you can easily see what content is rendered in which placeholder. This Feature is useful for understanding how placeholders are used in master pages and which ones you would have to change when creating a custom master page.

Presence Contact List

This is a contact list modified to show presence information as a drop-down associated with the e-mail field. This feature is based on the code posted here I simply wrapped it into a nice feature and tweaked it ever so slightly.

Content Type Hierarchy

This Feature presents the site content types in a hierarchical view. It shows the relationships between the content types, including hidden types. The Feature appears as the first link in the "Galleries" section of the Site Settings page.

Log Viewer

New in this release

1.      Thanks to some feedback from the community, this Feature now allows you to open files that are currently in use by SharePoint and sorts the events from youngest to oldest.


This is a Feature for viewing the Unified Logging Service (ULS) logs. It appears under a new “Utilities” section on the Operation tab of Central Administration

Debugger Feature


Adds a new menu item to the Site Actions menu that attaches the debugger.

Manage Form Users


This Feature adds a page to the People and Groups section of Site Settings for sites that use the SqlAuthenticationProvider. It allows you to add, edit, and delete users.

Task Alert


This Feature automatically sets up an alert for someone when a new task is assigned to them. When a new task is assigned, the Feature checks to see if the person (or people) in the “Assigned To” field have an alert set up on the task list. If they do not, then a new alert is set up automatically.

Task Mover


This Feature allows you to move a task from one list to another. A “Copy To..” menu item appears on the Edit Control Block for a task item. When selected, you can then choose the list where the task will be copied. If the task is versioned, all versions are copied.